Friday, September 14, 2018

eBay buyers beware: fraud warning for laptop batteries

   Last year, in November, I purchased an extra battery for my laptop.
I bought an extended use battery to last longer per charge.

   Recently, my latop developed issues. The unit is from 2009, so I was not surprised.
The batterey charging system wasn't working correctly, so I decided to open up the battery and look for clues.

   I was surprised when I calculated the battery pack power rating from cell sizes, to find a discrepancy.
   My calculated rating was significantly less than the label rating. In fact, the label stated 7.8Ahr where my calculations yielded a rating of 6Ahr. I found a label on a circuitboard inside the pack that verified my findings: the pack was only rated at 6Ahr. This error was intentional. The Chinese assembler knew the pack was a fraud.
   I emailed the eBay seller, coolgo2014, and made my claim and asked for a refund. That was over a week ago and I've received no response. I'm not surprised. Large numbers of items are bought and put on eBay in multiple sites from the same seller under different accunts. Different prices and options may exist. Such a seller has a lot to lose if one or more of his stock are fraudulent and, like my battery pack, cost fifteen to twenty dollars or more.

Be aware, if you're considering a purchase involving a lot of money, there may be potential for fraud.
Avoid Chinese sellers unless you're prepared to do the research.  Especially if the item is to be used long term. Note eBay does not offer resolution on cases a year, or more, old.

   I tried to get eBay involved but their automated system does not include complaints for older purchases. I submitted a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission database detailing the events as I've described them.

Some suggestions:
Buy from those who offer returns. Note whether there is a 'restocking' or penalty fee.

Make sure all relevant details are available in words or pictures.

Do compare shopping with other ebay sellers and with other web sites in general. You may find the item locally, for less.

Make sure ebay's guarantee applies to the product and sale.

If there is a problem with the seller, remember, the problem could be intentional or accidental.

"If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is."

In some cases, the merchandise is cloned. Fraudulent copies of popular and expensive items abound.

Good luck on your eBay shopping.
Be careful, eBay can be a mine field of bad purchases.


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