Saturday, April 4, 2020

Pandemic prep and update


   Things have been happening since the announcement of the pandemic. My local government has issued a safe-at-home directive.

The issue of masks has arisen. I bought a pack of ten for ten dollars just as eBay pulled the seller. A dollar each is expensive. I think making masks is a better idea.

Retired women could form social seqing circles (online) and manufacture such masks. They could take the popular folded paper mask as a model.

I bought a bandana at a sports store in Johnson City last week. I had just left a home improvement store across the highway looking for particle masks. I think the bandana may do a better job. Both tend to be leaky around the edges but deflect a direct hit from a cough or sneeze.

I concluded masks in public are safer than without due to the fact that there will be those spreading the virus without knowing. People who are asymptomatic show no symptoms and still are carrying the virus.

I just ordered a dozen bandanas from eBay cheaper than the J.C. sports store. An exception ratheer than the rule. Prices are going up and availability down. Sellers are now selling the product in groups of three or more now. Mixed assortments are most expensive excetp when ordering from China, where the delivery may be in late april or early June. That will probably be too late as the predictions are for a peak in mid to late April.

I have some old sheets and pillow cases. If I had a sewing machine, I oud try and make a few to give away to public service workers.

Severak symptoms have occurred in the last week. I may have the virus. My immune system is highly reactive and robust. My cold symptoms are usually a couple of sneezes and a half hour of the sniffles.

Time will tell. After another week, if symptoms still occur, I may ask for a test. Meanwhile, I engage in social distancing. Where I did not wear a mask before, I will now wear a mask, in public.

Stay safe, stay healthy, keep in touch with friends and family. Don't let the opportunists gouge you. Make do if you have to. Ask for help when in need.

We ARE in this together.


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