Sunday, November 25, 2018 - epilogue

The Jet story is pretty much over.
The details are in earlier posts.

Walmart is intent on disintegrating the grocery section and expanding the other goods to include name brands. Why?

Nobody would buy Gucci from Walmart.

When you buy name brand and high end goods, the seller usuaully has very high, and quality , service. The whole experience is very haute couture.

Walmart is as lowbrow as it gets and was rated by Consumer Reports as having the lowest quality service of any large company in the country. This was in a survey of grocery outlets, but holds true for the rest of Walmart.

Hence the acquisition of Jet.

Game over.

One more thing.
Who is the David for Walmart's Goliath?
I don't know, but I suspect online shipping and sales will have a lot to do with it.
Part of Walmart's success is it's distribution system, now replaceable by eBay, Amazon and others.
No one company may bring about the demise of Walmart, but a host of smaller to mid size companies online, may.
Perhaps we'll walk into a Parks-Belk one day and find a Walmart section.


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